Shrouded Domains: Animalia Mortem (Photo Book)
$50.00 Sold out

Animalia Mortem is the first entry in the Shrouded Domain book series. A photography project by Jonathan Doe centered on unsettling subjects within our world that exist in plain-site. Animalia Mortem focuses on the road kill which often litters our streets, yet rarely ever gets recognized as anything more than rubbish that is forgotten as soon as it exits our line of site. All photographs in this book were taken over a 7 month period and were naturally discovered by Jonathan while doing his typical daily routines. Exhibiting just how common it is for a person to be exposed to animal death and how the normality of these occurrences lead us to almost dismiss their existence.
This book consists of 50 pages of photographs depicting various species demise as they try to exist in a world designed to push them out. Presented in vivid color, Putrid Productions is proud in release this first entry of the Shrouded Domains photo book series!
Limited to 50 units.